April 2016 This installation is an exploration of my thesis research. I have always enjoyed viewing installations, although I never knew why. This semester, I explored that question. What I found is I enjoy the experience, and the stimulation of my senses within an installation space. As my first installation piece, Making Sense of Our Senses focuses on activating the viewer’s senses. Each person’s experience in this space will be unique because each person will reflect on their own personal experiences and relate to the space in their own way. My goal was to encourage internal reflection. It is for the viewer to decide how they relate to a single item. Without written instructions, and just the use of imagery, you can navigate the experience using your senses. The only words in this space are those written by the viewer on the post it notes. The information on the reflection forms will be used to inspire my next piece. We reflect on our knowledge, experiences, and our senses to navigate through the world around us. Installation art makes us feel alive, and activates us. As a graphic designer, the focus is to appeal to the single sense of sight. I strive to push that boundary by appealing to other senses through out-of the box ideas and material. I look forward to experimenting with other ideas to appeal to the viewer’s five basic senses.